The Senate Commerce Committee on Wednesday rejected a network neutrality amendment, handing cable and phone broadband access providers yet another victory over a coalition that has demanded the application of strict nondiscrimination standards against entities that control access to millions of Internet users.
The panel voted 11 to 11 to defeat an amendment sponsored by Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), who had backing from Google, Yahoo!, eBay, Amazon, Microsoft and other firms that deliver voice, video, and information services and applications.
Under Senate rules, a tie vote means the amendment failed.
Via Daily Kos
You can contact the members of the Senate Commerce Committee via the main switchboard toll free at 1-888-355-3588. Or you can contact them individually at the following phone and fax numbers:
GOP Members
* Chairman Ted Stevens (AK): (202) 224-3004; (202) 224-2354 FAX
* John McCain (AZ): (202) 224-2235; Fax: (202) 228-2862
* Conrad Burns (MT): 202-224-2644; Fax: 202-224-8594
* Trent Lott (MS): (202) 224-6253; Fax: (202) 224-2262
* Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX): 202-224-5922; 202-224-0776 (FAX)
* Olympia J. Snowe (ME): (202) 224-5344; FAX (202) 224-1946
* Gordon H. Smith (OR): 202.224.3753; Fax: 202.228.3997
* John Ensign (NV): (202) 224-6244; Fax: (202) 228-2193
* George Allen (VA): (202) 224-4024; Fax: (202) 224-5432
* John E. Sununu (NH): (202) 224-2841; FAX (202) 228-4131
* Jim DeMint (SC): 202-224-6121; Fax: 202-228-5143
* David Vitter (LA): (202) 224-4623; Fax: (202) 228-5061
Dem Members
* Co-Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (HI): 202-224-3934; Fax: 202-224-6747
* John D. Rockefeller (WV): (202) 224-6472; (202) 224-7665 Fax
* John F. Kerry (MA): (202) 224-2742 - Phone; (202) 224-8525 - Fax
* Byron L. Dorgan (ND): 202-224-2551; Fax: 202-224-1193
* Barbara Boxer (CA): 202-224-3553
* Bill Nelson (FL): 202-224-5274; Fax: 202-228-2183
* Maria Cantwell (WA): 202-224-3441; 202-228-0514 - FAX
* Frank R. Lautenberg (NJ): (202) 224-3224; Fax: (202) 228-4054
* E. Benjamin Nelson (NE): Tel: (202) 224-6551; Fax: (202) 228-0012
* Mark Pryor (AR): (202) 224-2353; Fax: (202) 228-0908
If one of these clowns are your senator, contact them. Tell them they are making a huge mistake by selling the internet to their corporate masters.
Make sure you explain it to them using small words and simple sentences.