Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rant - Politics makes me a cranky droid

Live in a rural area? Enjoy your phone service and electricity? Thank a democrat for the Rural Telephone Act (Harry Truman) and the Rural Electrification Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt).

Are you a farmer? Thank a democrat for the Farm Loan Bank Act (Woodrow Wilson), the Federal Crop Loan Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt) and the Farm Loan Housing Act (Harry Truman).

Like to work less than 12 hours a day for a dollar an hour? Thank a democrat for the 8 Hour Workday and Overtime Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt) and the Minimum Wage Law (Franklin D. Roosevelt).

Ever been fired from a job? Thank a democrat for the Unemployment Compensation Law (Franklin D. Roosevelt).

Ever had to take off from work to care for a sick family member? Thank a democrat for the Family and Medical Leave Act (Bill Clinton).

Are you a woman? Thank a democrat for the Women's Suffrage Amendment (Woodrow Wilson).

Ever go to college with financial aid? Thank a democrat for the Student Loan Reform Act (Bill Clinton), the GI Bill of Rights (Franklin D. Roosevelt), the Student Loan Reform Act (Bill Clinton) and the Guaranteed Student Loan Program (Lyndon Johnson).

Planning on getting old? Thank a democrat for the Social Security Administration (Franklin D. Roosevelt), the Older Americans Act (Lyndon Johnson), Medicare (Lyndon Johnson) and Medicaid (Lyndon Johnson).

Like illegal and immoral wars, over priced oil, corruption, scandals, cronyism, ineffective policies? Hate science? Prefer to keep "those people" out of your neighborhood? Like seeing America's name dragged through the mud? Thank a republican for the last 7 1/2 years.

Relax, you say, the markets will take care of it.

So, you believe Giant Global Corporation, Inc. would take care of you if you needed time to spend with a sick child? They wouldn't fire you and replace you with someone cheaper?

You think they would make sure your retirement is comfortable? *cough Enron cough*

You think AT&T would have put in phone lines to north central Kansas if they didn't have to? Screw 'em. Make 'em move to the city?

Do you think farmers would be able to plant crops you and yours eat if they had a bad harvest last year because of a drought or a hail storm?

What about your grandmother who scrimped and saved for decades and ends up spending all her life savings on a nursing home? Should she have to wait to go to the ER if she's sick? Serves her right for living so long?

How about your kids? Should they have to rely on your paying for college? Can you put them through four years without federal input?

What about people who are not as lucky to be as wise with their money as you? Maybe they didn't get born into oil money, should they be forced to stay in the lower class? Should we build walls around your house to keep them from stealing your stuff or worse? Maybe we can use them as an alternative fuel source, perhaps?

I hate that there's government waste. I hate that there are moochers off the government teat. I hate that we have decided to turn our backs on our citizens so we can line Halliburton and Blackwater and BP's pockets. But what I hate more are the people who have a smug attitude that anyone who needs a hand up, no matter what their circumstances may be, is a lesser quality person. $10 Billion a month can go along way to rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. $10 Billion a month can go a long way to putting people to work on that infrastructure. $10 Billion dollars a month can go a long way to helping sick kids get well so they can contribute to our greater good. $10 Billion a month can go a long way to educating our kids and getting us back on top of the planet as the smartest, best prepared people here.

We have wasted the last 7 1/2 years ignoring problems here at home, while we invade and rebuild somewhere else. It's not right.

This fear of Democrats tax and spending us into a paupers grave seems to be misdirected. Do the research yourself.

The Democrats way just works better.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Politics - Why I'm a Democrat.

Democratic Accomplishments: Rural America
* Farm Loan Bank Act (Woodrow Wilson)
* Federal Crop Loan Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Rural Electrification Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Farmer's Home Administration (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Soil Conservation Service (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Rural Telephone Act (Harry Truman)
* Agricultural Adjustment Administration (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Cooperative Extension Service (Woodrow Wilson)
* Farm Loan Housing Act (Harry Truman)

Democratic Accomplishments: Environmental Protection

* Clean Water Act (100th Congress, over President Reagan's Veto)
* Clean Air Act (John F. Kennedy)

Democratic Accomplishments: Foreign Affairs
* United Nations (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* League of Nations (Woodrow Wilson)
* Atlantic Charter (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Marshall Plan (Harry Truman)
* Monroe Doctrine (James Monroe)
* Atmospheric Test Ban Treaty (John F. Kennedy)
* NATO (Harry Truman)
* Truman Doctrine (Harry Truman)
* Peace Corps (John F. Kennedy)
* Louisiana Purchase (Thomas Jefferson)
* Camp David Accord (Jimmy Carter)

Democratic Accomplishments: Labor
* Creation of a Cabinet Level Labor Department (Woodrow Wilson)
* The 8 Hour Workday and Overtime (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* National Labor Relations Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Minimum Wage Law (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Unemployment Compensation Law (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Civilian Conservation Corp (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* The Full Employment Act for Labor (Harry Truman)
* Family and Medical Leave Act (Bill Clinton)
* Worker's Compensation (Woodrow Wilson)

Democratic Accomplishments: Civil and Political Rights
* Women's Suffrage Amendment (Woodrow Wilson)
* VISTA (John F. Kennedy)
* Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Lyndon Johnson)
* Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Lyndon Johnson)
* National Voter Registration Act (Bill Clinton)
* Americans with Disabilities Act (101st Congress)

Democratic Accomplishments: The Economy
* Largest Deficit Cutting Plan in History (Bill Clinton)
* Federal Reserve Bank Act (Woodrow Wilson)
* Clayton Anti-Trust Act (Woodrow Wilson)
* Securities & Exchange Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt)

Democratic Accomplishments: Education
* Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act (Woodrow Wilson)
* Fulbright-Hays Scholarship (Harry Truman)
* Creation of the Education Department (Jimmy Carter)
* National School Lunch Program (Harry Truman)
* Guaranteed Student Loan Program (Lyndon Johnson)
* Smart Start (Governor Jim Hunt)
* More at Four (Governor Mike Easley)
* Head Start (Lyndon Johnson)
* Ameri-Corp (Bill Clinton)
* GI Bill of Rights (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Student Loan Reform Act (Bill Clinton)
* School-to-Work Opportunities Act (Bill Clinton)

Democratic Accomplishments: Senior Citizens
* Social Security Administration (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Older Americans Act (Lyndon Johnson)
* Medicare (Lyndon Johnson)
* Medicaid (Lyndon Johnson)
* Consolidation of Older Americans Act (Jimmy Carter)
* Successful Defense of Social Security (Democratic Minority of the 109th Congress)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Politics - Running mates and flip flops

Joe Biden, huh?

A safe, if misguided, pick.

I'm not crazy about his stance on the drug war. Or his pro-RIAA/MPAA, anti-network neutrality or his anti-technology positions, either.

We'll see.

Just posting this as reference for those claiming McSame is a maverick who won't kowtow:

TAXES: In 2001 and 2003, McCain opposed the Bush tax cuts, saying that they would “mostly benefit the wealthy.” But in 2006 he voted to extend them and now he wants to double them.

IMMIGRATION: In 2006, McCain sponsored immigration reform legislation with Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), but in a January 2008 debate, he said that he “would not” vote for his own legislation.

ROE V. WADE: In 1999, McCain told reporters that he “would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade.” In 2006, McCain expressed his unequivocal support for overturning the decision.

OFFSHORE DRILLING: In 1999, when he first ran for president, McCain supported the moratorium on offshore drilling. In June 2008, however, he called for an end to the federal ban on offshore oil drilling.

RADICAL RIGHT: In 2000, McCain declared Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell “agents of intolerance,” but in 2006 McCain said he no longer considers Falwell an “agent of intolerance.”