Democratic Accomplishments: Rural America
* Farm Loan Bank Act (Woodrow Wilson)
* Federal Crop Loan Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Rural Electrification Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Farmer's Home Administration (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Soil Conservation Service (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Rural Telephone Act (Harry Truman)
* Agricultural Adjustment Administration (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Cooperative Extension Service (Woodrow Wilson)
* Farm Loan Housing Act (Harry Truman)
Democratic Accomplishments: Environmental Protection
* Clean Water Act (100th Congress, over President Reagan's Veto)
* Clean Air Act (John F. Kennedy)
Democratic Accomplishments: Foreign Affairs
* United Nations (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* League of Nations (Woodrow Wilson)
* Atlantic Charter (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Marshall Plan (Harry Truman)
* Monroe Doctrine (James Monroe)
* Atmospheric Test Ban Treaty (John F. Kennedy)
* NATO (Harry Truman)
* Truman Doctrine (Harry Truman)
* Peace Corps (John F. Kennedy)
* Louisiana Purchase (Thomas Jefferson)
* Camp David Accord (Jimmy Carter)
Democratic Accomplishments: Labor
* Creation of a Cabinet Level Labor Department (Woodrow Wilson)
* The 8 Hour Workday and Overtime (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* National Labor Relations Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Minimum Wage Law (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Unemployment Compensation Law (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Civilian Conservation Corp (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* The Full Employment Act for Labor (Harry Truman)
* Family and Medical Leave Act (Bill Clinton)
* Worker's Compensation (Woodrow Wilson)
Democratic Accomplishments: Civil and Political Rights
* Women's Suffrage Amendment (Woodrow Wilson)
* VISTA (John F. Kennedy)
* Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Lyndon Johnson)
* Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Lyndon Johnson)
* National Voter Registration Act (Bill Clinton)
* Americans with Disabilities Act (101st Congress)
Democratic Accomplishments: The Economy
* Largest Deficit Cutting Plan in History (Bill Clinton)
* Federal Reserve Bank Act (Woodrow Wilson)
* Clayton Anti-Trust Act (Woodrow Wilson)
* Securities & Exchange Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
Democratic Accomplishments: Education
* Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act (Woodrow Wilson)
* Fulbright-Hays Scholarship (Harry Truman)
* Creation of the Education Department (Jimmy Carter)
* National School Lunch Program (Harry Truman)
* Guaranteed Student Loan Program (Lyndon Johnson)
* Smart Start (Governor Jim Hunt)
* More at Four (Governor Mike Easley)
* Head Start (Lyndon Johnson)
* Ameri-Corp (Bill Clinton)
* GI Bill of Rights (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Student Loan Reform Act (Bill Clinton)
* School-to-Work Opportunities Act (Bill Clinton)
Democratic Accomplishments: Senior Citizens
* Social Security Administration (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
* Older Americans Act (Lyndon Johnson)
* Medicare (Lyndon Johnson)
* Medicaid (Lyndon Johnson)
* Consolidation of Older Americans Act (Jimmy Carter)
* Successful Defense of Social Security (Democratic Minority of the 109th Congress)