Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Blogs - Cenk Uygur: Our President is an Imbecile

Excellent commentary on our Great National Embarassment.

Via The Huffington Post
What I found to be the most damning is the least quoted part of Bush's comments. As you read this transcript, remember that this is not a small child talking, but the President of the United States of America:
The camera is focused elsewhere and it is not clear whom Bush is talking to, but possibly Chinese President Hu Jintao, a guest at the summit.

Bush: 'Gotta go home. Got something to do tonight. Go to the airport, get on the airplane and go home. How about you? Where are you going? Home?

Bush: 'This is your neighborhood. It doesn't take you long to get home. How long does it take you to get home?'

Reply is inaudible.

Bush: 'Eight hours? Me too. Russia's a big country and you're a big country.'

At this point, the president seems to bring someone else into the conversation.

Bush: 'It takes him eight hours to fly home.'

He turns his attention to a server.

Bush: 'No, Diet Coke, Diet Coke.'

He turns back to whomever he was talking with.

Bush: 'It takes him eight hours to fly home. Eight hours. Russia's big and so is China.'
Russia's big and so is China??????? This guys sounds like a third grader. Do you know anyone who would have a conversation like this with their neighbor, let alone a business associate, let alone a world leader? Who's proud to know that Russia is big and so is China?

Can anyone now credibly claim that Bush is secretly working on a master plan behind the scenes and that he's just playing cowboy for the cameras? I hope the master plan doesn't involve figuring out how long it takes to get to China.