Friday, April 27, 2007

Games - If JC played WoW

This is from a chat on linkfilter:

Hugh2d2> My favorite Manah-Manah
* * * pneum0nic tries really hard not to laugh....
crataegus> That's fscked up, hugh. What's funnier is that they have "all glory and honor to Jesus Christ" at the end of that video, and they play WoW.
Hugh2d2> JC would play WoW. He'd be a holy spec priest of course.
r03> ah. same ol same ol
Hughd2> Unless he wanted to f' with some people... then he'd hava an undead warlock alt.
pneum0nic> if JC played WoW would he be horde?
pneum0nic> or alliance?
Hugh2d2> He'd play on a carebear server... he'd have alts on both sides
Hugh2d2> I don't see JC having a high PvP ranking
Hugh2d2> but I bet he'd dominate in capyure the flag matches
crataegus> Unless he was into that whole "vengeful jealous" mode...
crataegus> Jesus could hide the flag in his stigmata.
Hugh2d2> he'd be like *boop* speed hack! or *boop* walkin on water hack!
r03> ouch....waiting for lightning
Hugh2d2> his guild "Da Ap0stlz" would be like ROTFLMAO! JC pwnz u noobz!