Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Humor - Dinosaurs of the Lost Ark

Scene: Noah's Ark, day 94 after the flood, mid-afternoon.
Noah is sitting at his desk looking over some paper work.

Noah: (into clam shell speakerphone) Ok, who's next Edith?

Voice of Edith: Ummm... a Mr. Rex here to see you sir.

Noah: Fine, fine, send him in...

T. Rex enters Noah's office and tries to extend his hand in friendship. He realizes his arm is not long enough and they exchange an awkward glance. Rex and Noah sit across the desk from each other.

Noah: So, Mr. Rex, what can I do for you today?

Rex: Well, it's like this... We dinosaurs have been meeting and...

Noah: Now wait a damn minute... I told you when you came on-board I'd have none of your attempts to organize the dinosaurs into some kind of union...

Rex: No, no, nothing like that... we were just talking, you know, over some brews...
Noah: Okay then, what's on the minds of the Dino Contingent?

Rex: Sir, as you know we dinosaurs, most of us anyway, have always lived in perfect harmony with the rest of God's creatures. It's just that... well…

Noah: Spit it out son.

Rex: We really just wish we could have some meat. Nothing extravagant, just a morsel or two to tide us over.

Noah: I... see. And what, Mr. Rex, did you have in mind?

Rex: We want... the unicorns.

Fade out.